Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Jumping in....

I have tried many times to start this blog. I sit down at my computer and try to think of clever ways in which to begin telling my tale. Unfortunately, my mind goes in so many directions at the same time that I could not write one word, let alone a whole post!!! So tonight my husband asks me if I am going to finally start my blog. Yes. Yes, I am. Low and I am doing just that ;-) My intention with this blog is to be the real me. To be transparent and honest with what I am going through in my every day life. First and foremost, I must tell you that I am a Christian. I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe that He is the Son of the One true God. I believe that He came to earth, lived and perfect life and then died on the cross, taking the punishment for my sin upon Him so that I could be forgiven. With that forgiveness I will be able to spend eternity with my Creator. What a great God I serve!!! I deserve hell but instead I get to be with Him forever!!!!

This blog is my way of sharing with others the journey I am on as a woman, wife, mother, daughter, friend, and follower of Christ. I recognize that although I claim to love the Lord, I struggle with taking Him at His Word. I have a hard time claiming the promises He has for me. When I am having a hard time one of my friends asks me what am I believing about God that is not true and what am I not believing about God that is true. Those are VERY hard questions to answer. The title Be Gone Unbelief sums up the purpose of this blog. It is my desire to have confidence in the Word of God in EVERY situation in my life!!!! So let the journey begin.............