Thursday, October 23, 2008


What a loser, I have not posted since the end of Sept.!!!!!!! What the heck is wrong with me? As if I do not have anything to day!!!! I can always come up with words to type!!! Actually that has been my problem. I have had SO much going on in my mind that I have not been able to narrow things down enough to post. So, I guess I will just give a general update on me and my current state. I am tired.....duh!!! He he he ;-) Yeah with two little ones, one cookin, and finding out my thyroid levels are off of course I am tired!!! I have to be honest I have been kind of up and down the last few weeks. I have been short with the kiddos (Stinker mostly) and just overwhelmed with stuff in general. So, what is the big conclusion I have come to with that? I HAVE NOT BEEN SEEKING THE LORD!!!!! I think about God but I have not been making any time for Him. Ugh...and then I expect my husband to make time for me......but I cannot make time for my Creator? Sheesh.....the nerve of some people ;-) He he he ;-) I know there is grace waiting for me. I just need to approach the throne and ask for it. So, as soon as I get done typing this I am gonna go sit and spend some time with my Maker!!!! The kids are already in bed and Jay is catching a few hours of sleep before work. So it is the perfect time to do it!!!!

I have to say I am looking forward to tomorrow!! My dear friend Cathy is coming to watch the munchkins for a good chunk of time and after this week, I think Jay and I really need it.

I will try to post again before the end of next week :-) Oh and I had a blast at the New Kids concert last night if anyone is wondering ;-)

Peace out !!! (as the Block would have said back in the late 80s early 90s)