Saturday, May 15, 2010

Kindergarten? Already?

So, I have this totally cute little baby boy and he is SO much fun :) I love to read to him, snuggle with him and watch him grow. Then all of the sudden, I found myself at his kindergarten open house last week!!!! I am so confused. I thought I just had this little baby boy yesterday!!! How in the world is he 5 years old already? He he he ;) I am so proud of my little baby boy for being ready to step into a new big world in the fall !!!!

I am actually very excited for the whole family. Brendan will now have the interaction he needs with kids his age and structured activities. I have struggled this past year to meet the needs he has due to the fact that the youngest two in our home are 2yrs old and 1yr old....not to mention that they are only 10 1/2 months apart. The need me constantly which makes it really hard to be able to focus on the big kid of the family. Once he is in school I will get to focus on the younger two during the day and then make extra effort to have Brendan time when he gets home from school.

We are entering into a new "season of life" for sure!!!!I know that God will be with us through whatever comes our way. Our prayer is that we will parent our children well and honor God in all of it !!!!

Three cheers for kindergarten....hip hip hooray!!!!!