Tuesday, March 23, 2010

SHUT UP!!!!!!!!!!

"Shut up, shut up, shut up!!!!!" How many of you moms have thought this at some point when one of your children is crying, whining, yelling or just plan disrupting what you are doing? Man, it happens to me more often than I would care to admit. But alas, here I am admitting it. See, you are not alone ;) He he he ;) Not sure if it is a good thing to know that there are so many moms out there who think things like that ;) I mean, isn't there a June Cleaver somewhere out there? Someone who is SO perfect in their mothering that somehow if we study her enough we can become perfect too? No my fellow mothers, there is no June Cleaver. However, we can grow and learn each day that we parent these little lives. Just because you thought "Shut up!" today does not mean you have to think it tomorrow. Tomorrow you can take your thoughts captive and think "Please, please go to sleep" or "God thank you for these children.....PLEASE sustain me today and give me patience!!!!!!!!" Will asking God to sustain you take away all the tantrums and unwelcome situations in your day? Maybe not. But, it will help you to focus on the One who can get you THROUGH to the end of the day.

So moms, as a fellow "shut up" thinker, I encourage each of us (including myself) to cling to the ONLY One who IS perfect and find strength and rest in Him!!!!

Praise God for His grace and mercy in our lives!!! Now go kiss those little monsters ;)


KellyW said...

Hey Bridget Anne. This is Kelly, Squirrelgirl3 from Apple Bottoms, Ryan's mom! I am so there with you some days, especially when I am tired. I do try to focus on God the best I can because I know it is He who will get me through those tough times and those tough times will pass. I have to remind myself of that often. It's nice to know I am not alone!

Bridgette Anne said...

I am glad I could let you know that you are not alone Kelly ;) He he he :) How are you doing these days?