Monday, September 7, 2009

The to-do list......

It is strange when even taking a rest seems like something to check off of your to-do list. I mean, today for example, I got to sleep in until 8:30am!!!! When I got up I felt like I had to put a check mark next to it on my list and keep moving. Baking dinner rolls, cleaning the bathroom, doing laundry, making lunch, feeding the baby and putting him down for a nap, trying to pin down babysitters for the fall for everything: care group, date night, even the first day of preschool (since the parents go with the children the first day I had to find someone to watch the smallest two). WOW....and there is still more yet to come this evening. Some might say I am "too busy" but that is life with three children. He he he ;)
Brendan our 4yr old will be super busy this fall too. Preschool three afternoons, bible study on Tues (it is for me and the kids go with and play with other kids), Awana on Wed., MOPS two Wednesdays a month and playgroup two Fridays a month. Again, some might say he is "too busy" and to that I reply.........."Have you met my son?" Seriously, this kid is bursting at the seems with energy from the time he wakes up until the time he goes to bed at night. Oh and he has not taken a nap since he was 2 1/2yrs old!!!!! And given his attitude as the summer has slowed to a halt, this boy NEEDS lots of things to do. Does that mean I do not take responsibility for my little guy? Does that mean I just push him in a million directions and hope for the best without nurturing, instructing and guiding him? NO!!!!! I simply know my child and I know that he is a social boy who needs more than his mommy to fulfil that every day of his life!!! So, I will continue to be his mommy ;) I just need to have a little help from outside the home to fill his tank.
Anyway, to all of you moms out there who feel their head spinning right about now............YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! Hang in there!!!
What I DO want to encourage ALL of us to do is to turn to the One who can sustain us each day. The One who can help us look at things one at a time. The One who will help us discern which things we need to keep in our schedules and which things are overloading us!!!! That One is God. He is sufficient and He is eager to help us little ol' mommies ;) He he he :)

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