Wednesday, September 10, 2008

The Lord knows our heart

Ok, so in my reading today I came across this verse:

"The Lord will bring to light the things now hidden in darkness and will disclose the purposes of the heart. Then each one will receive his commendation from God." 1 Corinthians 4:5

AAAAHHHHH!!!!!!! If God were to give me my "commendation" (note the word is not condemnation) today I would be afraid I would not receive anything!!!! You know how you just have some days where your heart is just ugly? That has been me today!!! I have been yelling at Stinker left and right!!!! He has a cold so he is not feeling well but sheesh, that boy does not want to listen to me at all the last few days!!!! I ask him to do something and he does 500 other things before doing what I ask him to do!!!!

I know that he is three and all but how do I deal with this? At what point do I assert discipline? How do I know what things are important enough for that? I just get so frustrated repeating myself a zillion times, ya know? Any advice would be wonderful by the way ;-) He he he ;-)

So, as I had my quiet time today I just asked God to be renewing my heart. That I would have a heart of love and compassion towards my family. That I would seek to carry out careful, calm, and gentle discipline. Ultimately I want to honor God in my mothering (and my wifing!!!). I just get so wrapped up in myself and wanting Stinker to obey me that I forget that I am supposed to be cultivating an atmosphere in which he learns what it looks like to love and honor the Lord above all else. As he learns that I pray it would become his desire to please the Lord. And as a three year old really the only thing God asks of him in order to please God is to obey his mommy and daddy. I think that idea gets twisted in my head and then I try to force it on him. I want to view that command rightly!!!!

Lord, please assist me in this role in my life. I want my heart to be one of grace, mercy, compassion, gentleness, kindness, love, selflessness, and wisdom. I pray that when you do look into my heart you are pleased by what you see!!! Help me dear Jesus!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Usually (from my experience) it's easier to assist young children in what you want them to do rather than just tell them to do something and expect them to do it at that age. For example, if you want your son to pick up his toys, just telling him to do that at that age probably won't work. It's easier for them to see the example of you helping them do it and when they get older, they'll do it on their own. If you want him to take care of his own plate or whatever from the table, it's easy to take care of yours too. At that age, everything seems to be monkey see monkey do, so it's really all about the example then praise afterward. It gets difficult because we often either expect kids to be completely dumb and tend to think they can't do anything on their own and do it for them, or we think they're smart enough to figure it out, when really, our job is to set the example. I'm not completely sure what sort of things you were trying to get him to do, but maybe this may work if you try it!